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Sunday, March 22, 2009

TooManyTabs 0.4.2 Release Notes

New Functions
  • Drag & drop to re-arrange tabs on TMT row
  • Rearrange row order in options panel
  • New options - Do not pop up tabs to TMT using the yellow arrow when TMT is hidden. You can still send tab directly using the "Send Tab to TooManyTabs" command
Interface Changes
  • Closed button in TMT tabs only appear when mouse over
  • In the "Send Tab to TooManyTabs" menu, the currently selected row is checked by a tick, the bracket behind the row name now shows the number of tab stored each row
  • If TMT is hidden when shut down, it would remain hidden when Firefox starts next time
Bug Fix & Compatibility
  • Fix the conflict with "Closed button - Place on left" in TabMixPlus
  • Fix the bug that results tab history not restored properly in some cases

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