FreshStart Crash Recovery allows you to auto-save current sessions periodically. Unlike the normal FreshStart sessions, these auto-saved sessions are not stored as bookmarks.
In this update, the Crash Recovery function is greatly enhanced. In addition to the your last Chrome session, five more snapshots of your sessions are saved. These five snapshots are taken during your last five Chrome launches. They can serve as an extra backup when Chrome auto session restore fails.
Enable "Crash Recovery" in FreshStart Options and adjust the backup frequency if necessary.
Usually if Chrome crashed there should be a yellow "Restore" button that allows you to restore to your previous session. In the case when it fails, please open FreshStart popup and click the "Crash Recovery" button. (Note FreshStart "Crash Recovery" must be enabled already)
This will open the Restore Page that contains all your auto-saved sessions. Click on a snapshot link to see the content of the session. The session now includes time-stamps and the pinned state are saved. (Only for auto-save sessions)
Can you explain why we need this? In my experience Chrome and Chromium almost never lose the tabset on a crash, and they seem to save up to the very latest change.
Perhaps we avoid the 5-minute "slowdown" by specifying only to save the tabset on startup (i.e. trust Chrome)?
It's only your experience. In my experience Chrome very often loses the tabs and as my computer often crashes I'm very grateful for this function. Now I have my latest tabs and not the tabs from November, when I last remembered to click the save button.
Since it can be disabled anyway complaining for it is just stupid - seen a lot of that in different chrome extensions review pages for plugins that provide features chrome doesn't have and I always wonder what kind of people complain for features nobody is forcing them and they came out of free will looking for them but it's not what they want?
If you use extension for one of it features and don't like another feature and it can't be disabled, then you have a point for complaining - but don't complain for something you can disable. Same goes for installing something that's designed with different purpose than you actually want - it's like complaining about Lynx not being graphical instead of actually installing a graphical browser :D
Anyway, great extension - thanks a lot. *Especially* for the crash recovery - that's something one needs in pretty much every browser. I've actually had all, excep eLinks (text-mode browser) lose my crashed session one time or another - and if it's because of some page causing browser to crash (*rare* but has happened even with FF and Crome/Chromium) then you might actually need to choose not to use built-in crash recovery to just get the browser start without crashing, and then you've lost the session.
So yes, this is excellent feature.
A great extension, very helpful. One problem: the pop-up menu at 100% doesn't show the right pane completely. I had to reduce size to 80% to be able to see the 'edit' and 'remove' buttons next to saved sessions. Although, I'm using Brave on a Mac [Mojave] - maybe on Chrome everything looks OK.
Where does the extension saves the sessions to?
To my local HDD or to the cloud (Google Drive etc.)?
It is very important to know whether I should backup some specific folder before I format my laptop or do I just need to download the extension and log in so I can have my 100+ tabs back....
Thank you for a great extension anyway !!
Howdy @Liran & Yuki,
From what I can see my previous FreshStart sessions are available in this new installation of Chrome on Windows. I was using Chromium on Linux on my last setup. Given this fact I'm going to say that it appears that, without looking at the code but likely to be like the Usage examples here [], FreshStart sessions are either saved in the Chrome silo in your Google Account online. Or if you haven't signed in with your Google Account then it's stored locally. The usual location for this is "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\" []
Also you can use the ChromeDev Tools [Ctrl+Shift+I then choose Applications under the >> to the right] to view and edit Local and Session Storage []
If you're using Firefox instead for FreshStart then apparently in Windows 7 and above it's stored here "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\webappsstore.sqlite" []. And as far as I'm aware, Firefox doesn't store anything in the Google Account that you're signed in with in the browser, so your FreshStart session in Firefox is not likely to be in sync unless you use some other form of syncing it, like say SyncThing []. Again as far as I'm aware, it will however be synced across your Firefox sessions if you've enabled Firefox's syncing capability.
Hope that wasn't too much detail and that you can sort out your backups :)
Yeah the problem is not Chrome not saving the last window but not saving the main window with all the tabs. For example just a small extra window can ruin it all.
Salve a tutti, sto utilizzando Freshstart perché anch'io in precedenza ho perso tutte le mie cartelle aperte. Purtroppo non funziona in automatico sebbene lo abbia attivato, devo per forza salvare cliccando sul tasto salva. Fatemi sapere se c'è una soluzione.
I love FreshStart and the crash recovery is very useful. Sometimes I have a tab on the second monitor and close the main Chrome - Chrome, then, thinks I closed all tabs but that one and will lose the tabs I closed. FreshStart helps me a lot in that. Fresh Start is so good I should really make a donation ... they deserve it!
I've used this extension before - don't know, but I guess it ended up installed on this system just because I have syncing of extensions on, I guess? The session backups are all from 2013, and this machine had it's OS installed in 2020, LOL - which obviously means the sessions are also synced to internet - I'm not necessarily that thrilled about it.
But yes, every system fsck's it up someday - browsers session restoration being one of worst culprits. This seems to have done it's job back in the time, but since I've used Tabs Outliner, which has shown itself to be - among other awesome things - quite trustworthy session manager...
Only thing is, you can't go back to older session - I've actually found it useful sometimes with FireFox, when the Session Manager extension still existed (don't seem like they were interested in upgrading it to this newfangled WebExtension thing; and if I'm not wrong it was Mozilla's work and if I am wrong, it was at least endorsed on their blog like it was their product).
Since I have used Tabs Outliner (also long before this machine was installed), I've had this extension enabled, but in it's options I have deactivated the "Enable Crash Recovery" - must have been in 2013 that I started using Tabs Outliner then. I was most likely worried that two different systems would end up fsck'ing things up - I'd like to know, if someone who also uses Tabs Outliner has this extension enabled (you know, just in case or something) and can tell me if he has ever had any issues with them - like FreshStart somehow overriding Tabs Outliner?
When I save a section, why is another folder called "windows ..." automatically created?
I love this extension and I've been using it for years, but today I decided to ask for a feature that would be useful to me at least only to see that the blog has the last update of 1.6 dating back to 8/12 years ago?
Did development stop for this extension or did the whole team close down and no longer support this extension?
This will help me decide if I need to search for a comparable extension that does what I'm looking for which is have the ability to search within the extension for past sessions that I've saved instead of having to scroll down the list manually...which takes forever when you have lots of sessions saved.
Make a firefox one to please
Cannot realize, for what 'import" key is used. It writes "paste your session" - but where to get it? I need to restore my session from dead Windows, I need file, and in every other similar extensions I load just file. Here no any instruction, where to get info.
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