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Sunday, March 13, 2011

TooManyTabs now compatible with Firefox 4

Updates on 1.3.9:

  • Fix the drag and drop issue that triggers malfunctions in the tabs bar
  • OSX:  Profile clipping function in TMT options page is fixed, please remember to include your profile information when submitting a new bug report.
  • The TMT arrow in OSX is not fixable at the moment. Please use the right click context menu or drag and drop to send a tab to TMT.


Thank you for using TooManyTabs for Firefox. The latest version is 1.3.3 and it should be compatible with Firefox 4.0.*

Release notes 1.3.3:
  • TMT arrow no longer is shown on pinned tab (app tab), this can prevent accidentally sending the pinned tab to TMT
  • Update Russian German Locale
  • Drop support before Firefox 3.5
  • Patch some conflicts with other add-on

If you have problems when using TooManyTabs, please refer to the following before you send a bug report via email or at getSatisfaction:

Steps for sending a bug report

  • Install this extension Console2
  • Open Tools > Web Deveopler > Error Console (Open a new tab and enter chrome://console2/content/console2.xul to open the error console)
  • Select Chrome, JS, Error in the console, see image below

  • Look for the word 'toomanytabs' in the error message after you interact with TMT (e.g. send a tab and nothing happened)
  • Take screen shot of the error messages and include your profile information (Go to TMT options > Advanced and click copy profile information)
  • Send all the information in your bug report.

1 comment:

tsukasa said...

yes! thankyou! i've been wondering when you would fix the issue of my tabs going crazy every once in a while

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