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Sunday, November 7, 2010

TooManyTabs 1.3.0 now compatible with FF 4 Beta

In case you have been waiting for it, TMT for Firefox 1.3.0 is now in Sandbox. Please help us to test it by downloading it here now! Besides the compatibilities fix, we have also added some new locales added. nl & sv-SE & zh-CN.

-- Updates on 15 Nov --
Just know that last Beta 7 update breaks TMT 1.3.0 again.. -_-"  We will push 1.3.1 which will be compatible with Beta 7 (4.0b7) soon. Thank you for your patience.

1 comment:

Developer Seer said...

Too bad it doesn't work with FF4-beta7, I'm noticed TooManyTabs updated only through my home pc, and when I tried to update from my work pc I noticed it doesn't even catch the update its locked on 1.2.0 Will FF4b7 update TMT addon when its compatible?

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