Incredible StartPage is an awesome replacement of Chrome's "new tab" page. The new start page shows your bookmarks, recently closed tabs and a notepad in once place, along with a customizable theme.
The first thing you may want to do is to customize your background. Click the "theme options" button on the bottom left corner to open the theme menu. You can choose the background color and a background image from several Flickr categories.
The large frame on the right displays bookmarks from your Bookmark Bar. You can move the items by drag and drop. If you want to put more bookmarks in the frame, you can drag bookmarks from the bookmark browser:

The closed tabs browser is a simple way to get back accidentally closed tabs. Note Chrome currently does not suppport restoring tab history from extensions, so it only restores the last page loaded in the tab.
Finally, there is a handy notepad for you to take short notes. You can send the notes to Gmail /Calender in one click!
That's it. Have a try and tell us what you think!
Is it possible to change the four words from which images are chosen?
Two things I miss:
- Google's own start page functionality of most used pages.
- Better control of the background. I find the flickr pictures distracting and I'd like to choose a natural color.
this is sooooooo awesome !!!!!!!
add twitter and mew mail fr gamil !! and this will bw the best !
Great stuff! Got a question though, how do I remove bookmarks from the right column?
This is an excellent Google Chrome extension.
I do have a couple tips for the next version:
1. For a bigger user market, add option to change the post to gmail to twitter, buzz, or facebook.
2. For the bookmarks, allow a default folder to be set.
Those are the only two I can think of. Still this is a great product, with a beautiful design and intuitive interface.
Anyone know how to have the big box show "Top Sites" as in the normal new tabs?
Excelente!!! me encantó!
Its a great extension you have put together but what about removing bookmarks from right hand bookmark holder with flickr image?
Again great work!!!
When dragging and dropping bookmarks to the bigger box it changes the location of my book marks I do not like this aspect. My bookmarks are in the order the way I like them. I like function of showing bookmarks on in the bigger box just wish it was more like speed dial where my bookmarks are not rearranged. I like everything else about the extension!
This is a fascinatingly beautiful startpage, confirming an amazingly high quality of the Visibotech extensions...
I think that you should also put a link on each extensions page of yours that leads to all other extensions because all of them are great.
Cheers, LM
WOW! Super! thx autor 4 u add-on! thx! thx! thx!
I've been using Incredible Start Page for a couple of weeks, and I'm going to uninstall it now.
Everything was great except for how putting bookmarks in the big picture area also moved those bookmarks out of their bookmarks bar folders to the root level of the bookmarks bar itself.
From the screenshots, it's obvious you never have your bookmarks bar showing. I do, and having several bookmarks trailing off the right side of it (and also removed from their usual folders!) was very disconcerting.
So it's back to the default start page for me!
This is a very nice design and I was curious about one piece on this. The post-it note. However did you get the note div to rotate?
@everyone Thanks for your suggestions and praises! And about your ideas...
@Claudio, @oshmoz (Wallpaper)
We picked the current four as the results usually look good for background image. We will probably add custom keyword / gradient options in the future.
@oshmoz, @saffat (Top Sites)
Unfortunately Chrome does not support integrating the orignal "top sites" into extensions yet. We will look at this once this feature is available.
@Tromczynski, @imonline (Remove bookmarks)
We will have this in a later version :)
@harsh, @John (Post notes to other websites)
That's good, we will have a look.
@JK, @Reid (Bookmark folder and order)
Changing the displayed folder is difficult as Chrome and other extensions sometimes shuffle the internal bookmark storage around. We also need to rely on the bookmark order.
@Head Code Monkey - We used CSS webkit-transform :)
@sergey That's not a bug, the page have not finished loading at browser startup, so you see the blank screen. It will be ok when you open new tabs.
Hi! Nice job, it's very beautiful and at same time simple.
But I have a question, I've problems with links. This is normal to occur? When I press any link at my bookmarks, I see the url at address box but Chrome doesn't load any page. Follow that, when I shut down Chrome and I see Process Manager, Chrome is still running as a Zombie or sleeping.
I am an Ubuntu's user!
Thanks in advance and sorry for my English!
@wolfytuga Do you mean the links on the right side of the startpage? Can you send us the operating system and Chrome version you are using? You can check by entering about:version in the address bar.
You can send the info by email to as it will be easier for our team to investigate. Thanks!
Very cool, thanks. Could you make it possible to allow copy of bookmarks to main pane instead of move. I use foxmarks and moving bookmarks messes up my other machines.
Thank's again.
@Nick We are planning to add this option in a future version, thanks!
Does it work on a Mac?
Better and faster than Mozilla, good job Chrome people
@Somewhere in Canda
Yes, it works on Chrome for Mac.
Thank you!
Very good Extension but if I want to access my bookmark bar, I just click on the bookmarks on the bar.
It needs a dedicated folder and it needs to copy the bookmarks to the folder instead of moving them from where I wanted it.
PLEASE duplicate this extension for Firefox!!!!
Dude! Seriously! If you want donations for a Chrome extension you better provide a link the Google Checkout!
I have problem installing the extension. The following appears when I click install "Could not create directory for unzipping" HELP!
We are investigating the custom folder feature, it's a bit complicated so it may take some time.
We will have a look, but no promises yet :P
Seems an interesting idea, we will have a look too.
This looks like a Chrome problem. Can you try restarting Chrome, or installing the latest version of Chrome?
Two reasons I removed this but wish I didn't have to.
1. It removes the very useful list of most visited sites
2. The bookmark bar area doesn't list folders and ALL my bookmarks are in folders so they quickly drop down in chrome..
At the moment the "most visited sites" information is not available to extensions. The coming version of Incredible StartPage will allow you to choose a custom folder on the right area, so you can display one of your frequently used folders in it.
This is an amazing plugin,but I hope I can use the picture I want,load from my computer,not just from Internet.
Excellent plugin. It doesn't work correctly in Incognito Mode, though.
It takes up a bit too much memory for me, could you allow us to disable the Flickr API? Hopefully that would cut down on memory consumption somewhat.
Being able to remove links from the right bar is key functionality, there's no way on earth I'm using this.
it doesn't work for me. "Chrome bookmarks are not ready yet. Please close this tab and open the startpage in a new tab" - I'm getting this message every time. Tried restarting the browser etc.
For security reasons, Chrome doesn't allow extensions to access files on your computer. Incredible StartPage will have an option to load a custom image from internet in a future version, so you can upload your photo to Flickr and use it as background.
It appears that custom start pages are not supported in Incognito Mode, even if you choose the "allow to run in incognito" option. We will check with the Chrome developers.
For the background image, the next version will have an option to use a simple color or gradient.
@Jeremy McCurdy
We will add more customization in future versions, thanks.
Does it work after you open a new tab and close the previous "not ready" one?
If youve changed the background image, is there a way to reset it to its default?
First off i love this addon! An option to only show favicons (without having a void where text should go) in the bookmark frame would be great.
@K Brown
Umm there's no way yet, we may add one in a coming version.
@Thomas Nevermoore
Thanks for the suggestion! We will think about it.
Can you have a post to Google Calendar button under the note pad?
We will see if Google Calendar is possible. There will be more sites you can post to in the future too. Thanks!
Thats great, but should be improved :)
two suggestion I can suggest are;
- Previews for bookmarks on the right
- A google search box at top or somewhere else
Could you change the style of the modules? a all-screen-background with semi-transparent white or black modules would look great.
And a weather widget using the Google Weather API could be a great idea. Only basic info.
@Selim Hikmet
We will see if it's possible to add previews. For Google search, when you open a new tab, you can type "?" in the address bar and enter the keywords. The address bar will function as a Google search box.
Thanks, we will have more themes coming :)
I Like the new startpage, good work!
But I also miss the "tab" most used pages.
I Like the big screen/tab like the origin: most used pages.
Now I have 2 screens/tabs with my favorites
I would like to see an option to lock bookmarks.
@thijs Chrome does not provide the most visited tabs information to extensions such as Incredible StartPage, so we cannot include them yet. We will check if this is supported in future Chrome versions.
Very nice Extension! Would like to post note to custom url for enterprise gmail or google tasks.
Thanks! Will think about this one.
i want to use my picture more than
Custom wallpaper option is coming soon!
Hi, great extension, very good design. I'm not familiar with how the api works, but is it possible to point the point it to my personal flikr account?
Also, is it possible to include the link of the pictures? There are some really good pictures I would love to find the source.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
@Nm Yep the custom wallpaper option is coming. For the original link we will have to check the terms of use first. Thanks for the suggestions!
Hello, perhaps I'm being a dum, but I cannot get the newest version to install? Do I need to Disable or Remove the original 0,6 version first?
Thanks for the customer wallpaper add-on!
Can you get it so it works with local files too, not just remote files?
Tried using a local URI (file://blah) and it doesn't work.
In the Extension list, you can click "Developer mode" and choose "Update extension now" to force an update. You may have to restart the browser after Incredible StartPage updates to 0.7. Generally Chrome updates your extensions automatically every day, so keep using Chrome regularly is also ok.
Chrome doesn't allow extensions to touch local files for security reasons, so you need to upload the picture to photo hosting services such as Flickr first.
Afa me ajuden a tirar esse trocinho ele é horrivel por favor me ensinem a tirar
I miss the most visited sites!!!
Add gmail inbox checker, remove small bookmarks window - it's too narrow; big window text font is too big.
Visited sites - we will definitely add this once Chrome allow extensions to read the most visited sties info.
Gmail checker - we are considering, thanks!
This is a great extension -- whether you're a power user or a casual user, this one is a no-brainer.
As is and whatever changes are made, I hope something similar to this that is clean, simple, and immediately use able is left as the default configuration.
That said... I am a power user and wish I had a few options. So,
Power User Wish List:
Preface: Anything that seems like it would complicate the presentation or intimidate casual users should be added to the settings available from the Options button so that they are essentially hidden from anyone who doesn't want them.
In other words, you have a good thing. Don't mess it up by letting requested features take over the presentation.
* Any options added to the main screen for one of the window insets: make them uniformly available to the other ones.
- ex: Why can I pic an image background for one inset, but not for the others?
* Allow me to set any color (hex or rgb) OR an image as the MAIN background also
* Allow options to minimize, close, or in some other way hide the contents of any of the inset windows -- I may not want passerbys to see my recently closed windows (or bookmarks)
* Allow more font options (you can keep the popular/favorites at the top and separate with a divider to keep it simple (or the options button)
* Let me switch which content is displayed in which window inset position (e.g., If I wanted to have the Main Links on the left side and the other two on the right side (without changing dimensions or layout), this would be a nice touch
* Integrate whatever you can from google that is lightweight as options (gmail, google chat, google reader, igoogle, images search, whatever) -- again, only via Options; and allow me to replace the default windows with any of those (e.g., if I want to see my google mail instead of my recently closed tabs...)
* Add an option to send my notes to a default user (e.g., and a default subject line / default subject prefix (something like, "[Startpage Sticky:] (if Sticky isn't a trademark
* It would be nice to be able to control whether links open in the same tab or in a new tab.
* Can you make it dispense freshly brewed beer on tap?
Thanks :)
Thanks for your detailed feedback! We will try to keep the interface clean and intuitive while making it more customizble. More color / background settings are coming in the next version, and layout customization will come in a future version. Stay tuned :)
is there any way of increasing the size of the notepad?
i find myself putting on so many notes there, that some of them are out of view...
There will be more customizations coming. Thanks for the suggestion!
Is it possible to pin all the visited websites on right.
This functionality is not available to Chrome extensions yet, we will see if Chrome support this in the future. For the moment you may create a bookmark folder with your favorite websites and pin that folder.
Many boast of their 'amazing' extensions, but users often find that they're bug-ridden, or make a mess of Chrome design-wise. Incredible StartPage really is a beauty.
Although some have mentioned the fact that it messes up the Bookmarks folders, I don' think it matters, as I now use the new tab page exclusively. Speed Dial seemed good for a short while, but was a let-down because it changed the Bookmarks functionality in a negative way, ie., less functionality. Yours removes the annoyance of constantly broken, and limited, Chrome speed dials.
I'd prefer the option to have a built-in image (perhaps the stepping stones one) to speed it up on loading. Also, slightly wider bookmark boxes. And the pencil out of the way, or set behind the notepad; I keep clicking the pencil (font option) inadvertently.
The only other thing, I guess, is speed, speed, speed. Keep it small and as fast as possible so it improves rather than degrades Chrome's amazing speed in loading and use. Many thanks!
it would definitely be better if we can change the color of the words (of the bookmarks instead of just the current white). Or you guys can also just let us have the choice of either dark coloured words or white.Because i am using a white bg custom image and its hard to see the words sometimes. :)
Many thanks for this incredible extension btw~ love it.
i really like this man
I's awesome, and suggest that note can post by customized site. for example:
1. facebook bookmark(!view=bookmarks&op=add)
thank you a lot to share this great gadget.
Good Tinking Is The Best !!!
By TheOneMadManiac
very nice extension!
would it be possible to load my google calendar as the big picture on the right?
or even put a picture as the overall background (maybe faded)?
web-page previews for the right-side bookmarks would be nice; maybe make the white border optional or faded?
i have trouble rearranging the icons on the right; i'm not sure if it's me or the app, though. the order of all the icons changes or they don't stick on the right, but i'd like to stick them wherever i want on a grid.
maybe the middle 'bookmarks' box could be more useful if it was customizable--chrome already remembers everything, so bookmarks are kinda useless, so maybe a facebook app (a slimmed-down version of your facebook viewer) or rss, or something like that.
an option to push google tasks to the 'post-it' note might be nice.
also, the 'flicker API' notice at the bottom is quite annoying.
despite all this, i really like the extension, so thank you!
This is a great extension! Very useful, better than the default new tab page, and it looks great.
I know it's been mentioned at least once already, but I would love to see this in Firefox as well.
And may I possibly suggest adding the ability to post your notes to Remember The Milk? I think I would find that more useful than Gmail.
Thank you!
Really useful extension. Please create the SAME for Firefox too.
@all Thanks for all your praises!
The coming version will have a more customizble photo frame (where you can use a gradient instead of image to speed up loading). You will be able to set the font colors too. Unfortunately we cannot include the stepping stone photo due to copyright, but we believe the new options will be useful for you.
We are looking at adding more sites to the post-it widget too. There are no plans for Firefox version yet but we will think about this in the future.
Great Stuff!!! But still cant upload my own picture to the page even I copy the link from Flickr and paste in it into the custom link.
Hopefully the new updates will make it easier for us.
Good Job
CHeers :D
Oh, are you copying the link to the page instead of the image? For example, for this photo:
To use it as background, click the "All Sizes" button above the photo, then right click on the photo and choose "Copy Image URL". The link to put in Incredible StartPage should be something like this:
Would you consider integrating the notepad with a service like ? That would be awesome to have that reminder service include on a start page.
We will have a look at RememberTheMilk, thanks!
Looks great but like others I miss the most used pages.
I actually expected the right box to contain the most used pages list judging by the screenshots
I have the same problem as wolfytuga, whenever I click on the bookmarks or recently closed tabs it puts the link in the address bar, but nothing happens. After the address bar doesn't respond to anything too. I'm running Ubuntu too.
We would love to do that too, but currently Chrome extensions cannot access the most-visited pages information. We will consider this again if Chrome supports it in the future.
Umm, which Chrome version are you using? Can you check it in about:version ?
By the way, if the bookmarks are bookmarklets (little javascript code) they won't run in the StartPage,
Google Chrome 5.0.375.38 (Official Build 46659) beta
WebKit 533.4
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.38 Safari/533.4
They're not JavaScript it's just websites like Facebook.
Can you tell us what other extensions you have installed? Some extensions such as AdBlock may interfere with Incredible StartPage.
I currently have AdThwart, Fittr Flickr, Google Quick Scroll, and Incredible StartPage install.
We have tested your setup on Ubuntu Chrome but still cannot reproduce the error, so we believe it may be a specific AdThwart filter blocking the StartPage.
Can you go to AdThwart options, then add "newtab" and "ncdfeghkpohnalmpblddmnppfooljekh" to the whitelist, see if it solves the problem? (the ncd...ekh is the extension ID of StartPage)
We have tested your setup on Ubuntu Chrome but still cannot reproduce the error, so we believe it may be a specific AdThwart filter blocking the StartPage.
Can you go to AdThwart options, then add "newtab" and "ncdfeghkpohnalmpblddmnppfooljekh" to the whitelist, see if it solves the problem? (the ncd...ekh is the extension ID of StartPage)
Thanks! That fixed the problem. This extension is awesome, keep up the good work!
Glad to know that!
Great thing, but the bookmarks on the image should be more clean and not so pixeled.And the font is not clear enough. Nevertheless great thing and I am looking forwad to see a newer version :)
Hi there. Nice extension, but what's the Chrome theme used in all your screen shots?
Two things I miss:
- Google's own start page functionality of most used pages.
- Better control of the background. I find the flickr pictures distracting and I'd like to choose a natural color.
Seems to be this one :P
Yep, you will be able to choose a color / gradient as background in the coming version.
I think this would be more useful if it has the possibility to add it as a extra page when opening the browser.
for example, I use as my main homepage because it has all my RSS feeds and stuff like that, but i also like this extension, and in a way don't want it to be the main homepage but I'd like it to be what shows when i open a new tab..
Basically, if you could allow for a different homepage option, while maintaining this as the new tab page, it would be heaps better. On that note, having a section for the more popular sites that one visits on the same page would probably make it in my top 4 extensions.
If my comment doesn't make sense let me know and i'll try to re-word it, I speak 5 languages fluently so I tend to not write properly or linearly.
well lots of clever people out there with questions about stuff I've never knew existed.
my problem is getting the spell check to replace words it says I have misspelled.
It does download and open a whole lot more than I could before which is so good saving a lot of frustration
very nice - but with bookmarks on the left, I'd like the option to remove them from the photo background and place there other options - perhaps applications. Thanks.
@prinny @David Wilder
Thanks for the suggestions. We are indeed going to add custom layout options in a future version, it will allow you to choose what to show on the StartPage and configure their positions.
A few others have mentioned it, but being able to post the note to the calendar's task list would be outstanding. Great extension BTW!
Love this extension lots of potential!
nice extension, but how can I make these startpage as real startpage when the browser startups? And not only when I'm opening a new tab.
Türkiye Teknoloji Ve Bilim Haberleri
Süper Bir Program From Türkey Thank you
I would like to see the note pad much larger, possible in place of last open sites....
Superbe extension ! Bravo !
Thanks man nice application.
Keep the work going.
Nice product, only i miss the possibility of show the page thumbs in the right pannel.
if you change this the extension can be perfect then more useful.
This has some difficulties as it would consume quite a bit of storage and memory, we will see if it is possible.
I was almost sold. I keep getting this comment every time I start my browser fresh- "Chrome bookmarks are not ready yet. Please close this tab and open the startpage in a new tab". What is the point of an incredible START page if you can't click on any of your books marks from the start?! It works fine after I open the second window- but if that's the case they should call it incredible secondpage for chrome. I like the colors, and the neatness of the bookmarks when they do show up, but I would've preferred if I could move the boxes around.
@Evan: This problem is due to a limitation of Chrome as the bookmarks are not ready to load yet. Just close this tab and open other another one will solve your problem. Please note that this problem also exists in other new tab extensions. I guess all of us have to bare with it at the moment.
You don't have to close the tab, just hit the reload button. It would be nice if you didn't have to do either though.
i really, REALLY love this extension. i've been using it for several months with no problems whatsoever. However, i am now considering switching to the "New Tab to Tasks" extension, even though it isn't as beautiful and i will lose some of the functionality of Incredible StartPage, because i need to have easy, frequent access to my Google Tasks list.
Please consider adding the ability to replace one of the frames (i would replace the bookmarks frame) with Tasks!
Thanks for the feedback. We will study this option in our future versions!
how do I uninstall this , I can't find it in my add/remove programs folder, please
Please click on the wrench icon on Chrome toolbar, find the Extension item (or Tools -> Extensions). Look for Incredible StartPage in the list and click "uninstall".
I love this except that it doesn't recognize my favicons (most show up as only that grayed out little globe) This really sucks for me because thats how I recognize the ones on the toolbar. The extension [Bookmarks Menu - Version: 3.3.2] recognizes all my favicons.
I like this application. Simple and straightforward. Just what I was looking for and, luckily, I came across it by accident. Nice work!
I'm using the Incredible Start Page in Chrome and love it. I installed as an app and a "My Apps" tab was created on the Incredible Start Page. I would like to get this off my page, but do not see a way to do so. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Lots of users above have asked questions, the same questions I have. But where are the answers? Are we on our own here?
@The Inquisitor: Hi, what is the question you mean?
Why can't I see the options link?
@Vic Matson: Hi, the two options links are below the 'recently closed' and 'bookmarks' columns
Is it possible to display the folders hidden?
Looks very nice...does it stay in sync between multiple Chrome extensions?
On my MacBook Pro, Incredible Start Page has started losing the background picture. It shows up as black. Any idea what's going on and how to fix it?
When click a bookmark in the "My Bookmarks" window, the page loads but there is NO URL in the Address Box. And any page you link to from that page also shows No URL.
What this?
Hi, this is a known bug on Chrome and it is fixed in dev channel and will soon be available to stable channel.
really intelligent and practical :)
I really like the Incredible Startpage extension.
However, I'm using Rockmelt now (which is Chromium based) and unfortunately the extensions doesn't work there!
Since Rockmelt is Chromium based, I assumed it shouldn't be very hard to make it work for Rockmelt too...
Could you take a look at that issue perhaps?
Thanks in advance, Rockmelt+Incredible Startpage would be my browsing heaven!
Can you walk me through how to "unhide" the bookmarks folders when Bookmarks are displayed as Main? I have 200+ bookmarks and without folders it's useless to have them in the Main window.
@DustinC How about create a new folder and add a dozen most frequently used bookmarks to it? Then you can select to show this folder as Main. Hope it helps.
Excellent app, but just a few things:
1. Is it possible not to reorder my bookmarks? My bookmarks are well categorized through folder, but commonly I stair some websites and they are in different folder. The problem is when I drag these websites out of the folder to the big background-imaged box on the right, which I think is to pin and stair a website, it automatically reordered my bookmark, move it to the root of my bookmark structure, and my well categorized bookmark structure is ruined...
2. Is it possible to arrange things in the big background-imaged box even with more freedom? For example, I want my technical websites pinned in the left top corner, and those for entertainment in the right bottom corner, currently this app seems to only provide ability to change the order, but still stacked one by one...
Currently I still use the standard start page, since it will not interfere my bookmark structure:)
Can be done to the tab "My BookMarks" were not the root bookmarks (/ bookmarks), and the folder StartPage (/ bookmarks / starpage)?
Another request to make it work in RockMelt, it installed but won't pick up any bookmarks. Thanks!
How about being able to add tabs to the Main area (currently just "My Bookmarks" and "My Apps"). Being able to drag a folder of bookmarks over there and have it create a new tab would be awesome. Other than that, Great Job!
I'd love to be able to change the default font size on the note pad.
This Startpage is very usefull !!! But Can you add the possibility to change the order of the APPS ?
Is this meant only for nerds?
I am not a neophyte but at age of 80 I expect a little more help on hos to use this (or am I missing something??_)!
In your Incredible StartPage in the Chrome Web Store you state, "See a full tutorial on our blog".
I go there and all I see are a few lines with same description as in the Web Store followed by some comments. Is there a full tutorial hidden somewhere on your page that I am missing??
I've downloaded the start page but now I can't find it to customize it. Where'd it go? And why isn't the incredible start page automatically my start page?
@lily Please upgrade to Chrome 22. Hope it helps.
@Visibo thank you,I'll try
Is there not some way to add other extensions/apps to the start page (I'm thinking of a set-up similar to what one could do with iGoogle) ?
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