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Friday, June 12, 2009

TooManyTabs 0.4.4 Release Notes

New functions
  • Send a Firefox tab to a new row
  • Right click on a TMT tab to view its history

  • Drag & drop tabs between TMT, FF tab bar and browsers (Note: fully supported by Firefox 3.5. In FF3.0, the original tab cannot be removed and its tab state & history cannot be stored when dragging from FF tab bar to TMT bar)
New Options
  • Backup & Restore/ transfer stored tab
    Use this new tool to backup or transfer your tabs in TMT. You can use the exported file to restore tabs to your current profile or any profile with TMT installed.
  • Change TMT toolbar position
  • Remember recently closed tabs
  • Pin tabs by default
  • Send tab to TMT by double click/single click
  • Show TMT in full screen mode

  • Send Group of tabs to TMT in Tab Kit and Tree Tab Style (Users of Tabkit and Tree Tab Style, please refer to this post)
  • 'Faviconize Tab' add-on users can now use double click to send tab to TMT
  • Theme: Now compatible with Persona on Linux
  • Theme: Users can change tab color on 'Little Fox Theme'
Bug Fixs
  • Favicon issues: lost favicon on some sites, the 'spinning wheel' favicon disappear after mouseover when page is still loading
  • TMT autohide failed in some situations

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